Fairburn, Georgia - Atlanta parts distribution center
Located in Fairburn, Georgia, the Atlanta PDC is responsible for serving dealers nationwide with truck, bus and engine parts — and serving our export customers in Puerto Rico, Central America and South America. The PDC utilizes lean principles to ensure excellent safety, quality and efficiency.
Dallas, Texas - Texas parts distribution center
This 360,000-square-foot facility is close to airports, railroads and carrier hubs which facilitates next-day distribution to customers in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and parts of Missouri and Kansas. An experienced team and streamlined processes enable receiving, storing, picking and shipping functions to be performed in the most efficient manner possible.
Las Vegas, Nevada - Las Vegas parts distribution center
Opened in 2006, the Las Vegas PDC supports West region dealers from the Rocky Mountains to the West Coast, Alaska and Hawaii.
Joliet, Illinois - Midwest parts distribution center
This 800,000-plus-square-foot facility is the largest International warehouse. Located in Joliet, Illinois, it acts as both a regional and national PDC. Regionally, it serves Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, West Ohio, North Kentucky, North Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota.
Manchester, Pennsylvania - York parts distribution center
The York PDC is responsible for selling truck, bus and engine parts to customers worldwide providing dedicated next-day (by 8 a.m.) deliveries to 110 dealers in the U.S. Northeast territory. This PDC houses a multitude of parts, and technology systems enable the receiving, storing, picking and shipping functions to be performed efficiently while supplying customers the right part at the right time.
Acheson, Alberta - Edmonton Parts Distribution Centre
The Edmonton PDC, located in Acheson, Alberta, opened June 2009. This 160,000-square-foot facility is responsible for selling truck, bus and engine parts to the Western Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The PDC houses a multitude of different parts and employs the latest technology allowing receiving, storing, picking and shipping functions to be performed in the most efficient manner possible – supplying customers the right part at the right time.
Hamilton, Ontario - Eastern Canada Parts Distribution Centre
The Eastern Canada PDC, located near Hamilton, Ontario,is a 255,000-square-foot lean distribution facility that warehouses and distributes truck, bus and engine parts to dealer locations across North America, but primarily to dealer locations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. In addition to the PDC operation, the building houses the Canadian Central Core Operation and the Canadian Corporate Office.
Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Querétaro - Querétaro Parts Distribution Center
The Querétaro PDC is strategically located in the center of Mexico, next to the two most important highways, which connect the entire country as well as the main commercial borders. This allows us to service our dealer network with a high parts availability and supply customers the right part at the right time.
Check availability at dealers nationwide and close to home. Browse medium, heavy, and severe-duty trucks equipped with the features and capabilities to get the job done.