MAY 2022 TEchnIcIan of InfluEncE Award WInnErS

International® is pleased to announce the four winners of the Technician of Influence Award for the month of May. The individuals listed here have demonstrated their commitment to pursuing continuous improvement and delivering the highest level of customer service.
These tech professionals have less than 2 years of experience at the dealership, have shown commitment to Uptime by being top producers, have gone the extra mile, and have proven they are responsible and trustworthy.

Service Technician
Tyler's interest in the automotive industry grew from watching his older brother in the garage at Five Star International. It then escalated into Tyler performing small maintenance repairs for friends and family. From there he developed an interest in diesel engines and decided to apply to technical school. Tyler came to the Five Star International, LLC Reading, PA, location just three days after graduating from UTI tech school. Tyler is a team player and doesn’t hesitate to help a fellow technician facing a problem that they cannot figure out. Tyler has also come in early and stayed late to repair a vehicle so customers can meet their delivery deadlines.
Since his first day, Tyler has improved his SRTs with each job he completes. He has very few comeback repairs and understands how to perform triage. Most of his repairs are done the same day so our customers get back on the road with minimal down time. While Tyler continues to expand his knowledge base with International training, he still maintains a work/life balance. He is a polite young man with a good head on his shoulders and a great work ethic that by far surpasses the typical 21-year-old.

Service Technician
In today's generation it's rare to find a technician of Seth's caliber. In walked Young Shaver and his journey began. When I sit down with Seth it's hard to believe he has been at Rush Truck Centers for less than 2 years. He constantly strives to be better, faster, and stronger to keep our business growing. His commitment to learn new things and repair anything that comes through the bay door is unsurpassed. During an A26 engine down situation, Seth stepped up and committed himself to get the customer back on the road, coming in early and staying late. At the end of the repair, the failed rod clipped a coolant hose and began leaking when Seth was filling the cooling system. We ordered the hose late Friday afternoon and Seth came in early Saturday, his day off, to complete the repair. This meant the driver didn’t have to stay the weekend in a hotel. Seth became Master International Certified within his first year and is excited for more knowledge. He has become one of our highest producers, asks the right questions in meetings, and seeks advice from senior technicians. I often find Seth lending a helping hand with other technicians. Seth is a prime example of the technician of the future, highly educated, hungry for knowledge, and driven to be the best in both quality and customer service.
These tech professionals have two or more years of experience at the dealership, have shown commitment to Uptime by being top producers, have gone the extra mile, and have proven they are responsible and trustworthy.

Lead Technician
Jim Kott is an outstanding and dedicated technician, a top producer, a wonderful teacher, and a great team player at Mid-State Truck Service. His work ethic is second to none! He is always willing to come in early and stay late to meet the customer’s needs. He has our customers’ best interests in mind and understands what customers need. Jim’s passion and ability to influence a shop full of technicians from the second he walks in is simply amazing. You can always find Jim answering questions for other technicians’ or under a truck helping someone else when they need him. Rain or shine Jim is there for all of us! After his long, 50-, 60- or, sometimes even 70-hour work weeks, at Mid-State Truck Service, Jim heads to Wissota Transport on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays to do fleet maintenance. Jim lives and breathes International and you can see that every day. He has always been an International supporter and believer.
A family man from Wisconsin, Jim enjoys spending time with his family, running around local taverns, shooting pool, talking smart, and talking shop. Jim helps with technician recruitment, customer cold calls, problem solving, and conflict resolution. We are very glad that Jim Kott (AKA “shop dad”) comes to work for our team every day, because we sure wouldn’t want to compete against him!

Service Technician
Tony Hartley is the top producing tech, has a great attitude, and comes in early and stays late to get the job done at Tri-County International. Other techs come to him when help is needed, and he is always willing to assist. Since our location does not have a mobile tech, Tony goes out on calls with the service manager. They work together to see if the repair can be performed in-house instead of having the vehicle towed into the shop. He understands velocity well, is the triage tech, and is trusted on what repairs are needed. He is always willing to help other techs on any situations may be needed.
In addition to having very high productivity and efficiency numbers every month, he very rarely has a comeback. Tony is Diamond certified and Cummins, Eaton and Allison certified as well. It is a joy having Tony in the service department because he has a great drive and never stops.