OctobEr 2022 TEchnIcIan of InfluEncE Award WInnErS

International® is pleased to announce the four winners of the Technician of Influence Award for the month of October. The individuals listed here have demonstrated their commitment to pursuing continuous improvement and delivering the highest level of customer service.
These tech professionals have less than 2 years of experience at the dealership, have shown commitment to Uptime by being top producers, have gone the extra mile, and have proven they are responsible and trustworthy.

Service Technician
Jessie Donovan is a world-class technician at Wolfington Body Co. who always offers detailed advice and technical help whenever possible. He has been an advocate for providing detailed hands-on training for the more complex issues. He has been a proactive lead, helping other technicians in the shop to follow the proper procedures. He holds the record for replacement time for a Maxxforce 7 swing at our dealer and is a constant overachiever on SRT times in general.
Jessie is an extremely proud father and Navy Veteran with an A&P certification in aircraft mechanics.

Service Technician
Joe is always willing to learn and go the extra mile at Five Star International. He always puts in a good effort and is willing to tackle challenging problems. His knowledge gained while attending the Pennsylvania College of Technology, coupled with his ongoing hands-on experience, assures that he has a promising career ahead of him. Joe exhibits “Going the Extra Mile” with the work ethic he displays. When we were short on technicians, Joe was always willing to come in early to help get the customers' vehicles in and out more quickly. He enjoys what he does and is committed to advancing his technical abilities.
When Joe is given a challenging task, he is willing and able to use the resources given to him to accomplish the task. We once had a truck in the shop that had an ABS issue. Joe went through all the usual checks for the wheel speed sensor to open or short. He ended up determining there was an issue in the harness because he did not have continuity in the wire. He then isolated the section of the harness in which the issue was located and found a corroded wire in the back of the connector. Because of the initiative that he displays in his work, Joe was able to diagnose and repair this unit with very little help. He used schematics and troubleshooting to understand and repair the circuit.
Joe has a passion for the industry, especially the electrical and diagnostic side. He enjoys talking about engine and electrical theory. He questions why the part he is diagnosing or replacing has failed. This leads to a more complete repair with fewer comebacks. We are fortunate to have him on our team!
These tech professionals have two or more years of experience at the dealership, have shown commitment to Uptime by being top producers, have gone the extra mile, and have proven they are responsible and trustworthy.

Service Technician
Doug Boone has extensive dedication, passion, and understanding of International products and has been with Diamond International Trucks for over 10 years. Doug excels in all aspects of his job but never stops there and always wants to progress his learning. His personality and demeanor make everyone around him better and want to excel. He goes above and beyond to assist other technicians and give them the tools to become superior technicians in the future!
Doug always goes the extra mile when it comes to his work and keeping our customers satisfied. He has a very keen eye and will notice extra repairs that are needed before they become major issues. Doug is very knowledgeable in his field and will not hesitate to pass on that knowledge to his co-workers and our customers when needed. He is more than willing to help anyone who needs it. He has trained numerous apprentices over the years, giving us a very knowledgeable service department crew. Doug can be trusted to do the job right the first time without comebacks, keeping our customers satisfied and bringing us repeat business. Some of our customers even ask for Doug by name to work on their equipment because they know what kind of a technician he is. He will take the time to talk to a customer when needed if they have questions or concerns, and he always makes them feel good about the decision to use us for repairing their assets.
Doug is a certified Cummins technician as well as a certified International technician. He is usually the first one to have his training completed when new training courses are available. When he is working on something new, if he does not know how something works, he will find available material or literature on the subject and study it until he understands it. It is a true pleasure to have him on our team!

Service Technician
Lino is one of the dream technicians that every shop desires. His dedication and focus on whatever he is assigned ensure our customers' satisfaction. His work at Peterson Trucks is timely yet is conducted in a detailed and methodical manner to reduce comebacks, regardless of whether it is a minor service / repair or an in-depth and detailed aftermarket installation. He is the first to jump on available training and skills development and always shares what he has learned with others who may not have taken the training yet. You will never catch Lino without a smile on his face or a jovial attitude. Lino is always there to lend a helping hand, keeps an eye out for the safety of others, and ensures he does everything possible for a customer so that they don't have to come back for any additional repairs; once he has completed the assigned repair, he takes the time to go over the entire truck for potential problems. Recently, Lino has become the in-house mentor for Peterson’s newest Uptime Academy student, ensuring the success of the student and the Uptime Academy program alike.
Most recently, Lino was involved in a project on a fleet of International trucks that the customer had ordered without climate control. Lino assisted in researching the retrofit installation, parts requirements, and time budgeting. When Lino completed the retrofits, not only was the customer ecstatic but commented that “you would never know the trucks didn't come with A/C.”
Lino is a stellar technician and continues to improve. He is a caring and loving father, & and husband, which is apparent in his interactions with his family. Most importantly, Lino is a great team player who always brings others out of whatever funk they may be in. You can always count on him to greet you with a smile and positive attitude — and as a person, you cannot help but share his positive outlook on life.