International® is pleased to announce the four winners of the Technician of Influence Award for the month of March. The individuals listed here have demonstrated their commitment to pursuing continuous improvement and delivering the highest level of customer service.
These tech professionals have less than two years of experience at the dealership, have shown commitment to Uptime by being top producers, have gone the extra mile, and have proven they are responsible and trustworthy.

Service Technician
Will has excelled in learning quickly the International brand, diagnostic, and repairs at Thompson Truck and Trailer. He is junior to our long-term seniors, and despite this, he has grown to be trusted with the job we have our senior techs do and works on any trucks that come into this shop. He puts so much focus on making sure the customer vehicles leave in the correct condition. He pays attention to details big and small making sure they are reported and taken care of. He is always willing to be a helping hand to the other techs no matter the ask!
He works very closely with the Parts Department to help them find parts and teaches them tips to make things easier to find! He always goes the extra mile in everything he does and that is why he was first to come to mind for the Technician of Influence Award. He even goes above and beyond to help co-workers personally, helping with someone's car, or for me when my car was buried and stuck in snow, he had no problem offering me a ride home when he barely knows me, and I live in the opposite direction from him.
Will always find solutions to problems when they arise, he finds them quickly and efficiently, and no matter whose problem it is he always steps in to help solve them. He has completed International engine overhauls with good productivity and he has had no comebacks on his repairs. He does his work with high focus and follows procedures. He is one you can trust back-to-back with trucks. He brings joy to the shop and lightens the other techs' days with his jokes. He participates in many of the company's events which is amazing because it is hard to get techs to join sometimes, and his getting involved inspires other techs to join in.

Triage Technician
Ryan has been the triage/diagnostic technician for about 6 months now and is doing an excellent job at Rush Truck Centers. Ryan is always willing to help other technicians figure out the difficult-to-diagnose issues and step in to help. He has stepped up to work Saturdays when we have a customer that needs work done after hours.
Ryan is always willing to go the extra mile. He can be trusted to do the job right and correctly the first time. He can follow the process and get the job done correctly. Ryan is my go-to tech for the hard-to-figure-out issues. Ryan is married and has two little ones. We are so lucky to have him on our Rush Truck Team.
These tech professionals have two or more years of experience at the dealership, have shown commitment to Uptime by being top producers, have gone the extra mile, and have proven they are responsible and trustworthy.

Service Technician
Pierre has been an exceptional member of Centre du Camion Beaudoin for an impressive 31 years and is nothing short of remarkable. Pierre's unique blend of humor and outstanding performance makes him an invaluable asset to our organization. He brings a sense of levity and camaraderie to the workplace, creating a positive and enjoyable atmosphere that resonates with both colleagues and customers. This ability to maintain a lighthearted spirit even in the face of challenging tasks is a testament to Pierre's exceptional character. Despite his jovial nature, Pierre remains one of our top performers. He possesses an extraordinary skill set and expertise, allowing him to repair a wide range of components, from engines to suspensions.
Pierre brings to the table a unique blend of skills, including leadership and mentorship, making him a good resource for rookie technicians. He is the one who takes care of any new employees' training. He's showing his passion to the new generation of technician and helping them to succeed in their careers. He's also showing them how important it is to be efficient in their work and make sure trucks are delivered as fast as possible.
Pierre's outstanding contributions to our team are evident in his role as a top producer. His ability to consistently exceed expectations and deliver exceptional results sets him apart. Whether it's frame replacement, kingpin, or alignment, his dedication and work ethic have been instrumental in our team's success. One area where he truly excels is in the realm of low comeback repairs. His expertise in efficiently and effectively handling low comeback repairs has not only saved our team valuable time and resources but has also contributed significantly to our client satisfaction.
His dedication to the job and ability to find joy in his work inspire those around him to strive for excellence!

Service Technician
Toby is a rock-solid Technician at Hill International Trucks. He takes all new hires under his wing and shows them the way we do things. He has worked every Saturday that we have work scheduled. Over the last two years, Toby has worked 7:30 am to 5:00 pm only taking a half-hour lunch. There was a time when he was the only full-time Tech on the floor training two other young technicians.
One example of Toby going above and beyond is when we had a customer out of state who came in with a problem in his truck. We found the part in Michigan in a different city; Toby stayed at the shop and worked on other stuff until the Service Manager returned with the part and worked an entire Saturday to get the customer back on the road. We close at noon on Saturdays, but it was around 4:30 pm when Toby got the Customer on the road, and we were able to leave.
Toby was a student in the very first Uptime Academy, Apprenticeship Program. He had an A through the entire class and the growth that I witnessed as a Tech was phenomenal. We put a lot of faith and investment into signing him up for this and he excelled. Toby is also helpful to everyone around him. Toby has become very efficient at diagnosing SCR and aftertreatment issues, where some other Technicians struggle. Toby has also become very efficient at repairing the EGR differential pressure faults and cleaning the ports. Toby earned his Eagle Scout rating in the Boy Scouts, and volunteers his time with the Scouts, the FFA, and is involved in his county fair. We are grateful to have Toby on our team.